Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chemo Treatment #4.......

Quick update:  2/3 of the way through!  Ya-hoo!  Two more to go......

This was the first of the last three treatments with one drug rather than the three I was getting.  I had no allergic reaction while being infused (Thank, God).  Risk is there for the next two but only during the infusion.  Although I am feeling the usual fatigue, I do not have as much of the "Chemo Cloud" that hangs on for days that I had with the other three treatments.  Hopefully that will remain the case with my next two treatments.  But of course, with each side effect that is taken away - others are given to you.  I will be gaining weight with this new drug.....water rentention.  So if you haven't seen me in awhile and bump into me somewhere, I will be the fat, bald woman.......Don't know how I am going to merge into my fall wardrobe with the extra weight gain.  Sure don't want to buy new clothes!  But, I am willing to take this on, too, if the chemo does its job and rids me of any remaining cancer cells.

More updates later this week.....Thanks for sending me those inspirational songs and CD's.  Di is willing to burn me a new CD with the single song titles.  I just love it and I am keeping track of who has sent me which song so I can feel your energy and love!

Thanks for the continued prayers......

"There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity"........Washington Irving

Thanks, Karen  ;-)


  1. You sound great...keep up the fight Joan...and thanks for sharing!

  2. Love you, Aunt Joan! When you're up to it, we'll go shopping for fierce, fall fashion.
